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Chipstead Open

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  • News
  • 1 min read

Delighted to report a most amusing Open Meeting last Sunday; fourteen entries, half guests and half home boats. A variety of conditions and weather, courses and start lines, the usual Chipstead gusts and shifts to enjoy, and the age-old unanswerable question: “which is the right gybe for the run?”

As ever, the racing was close and very competitive.

Nigel Wakefield & Sophia Hulbert retained the Walter Smith trophy counting two wins and a second, but were pushed hard all day, all the way, by Roger Morris & Joanna Findlay, Ali Barker & Nicky Goff and Will Mason Mason & Allanah Witherby.

After the racing, Chipstead’s world famous cakes were enjoyed, prizes awarded, tactics and plans were discussed ready for the Inland  Championships to be enjoyed at Chipstead early in November.

Keep tuned in for more details to be published soon!
