Visitors to the Spinnaker Club on Saturday the 22nd of October were wowed with a fantastic turnout at the twisted tube random pairs team racing event.
20 individual boats turned out and were rewarded with a fantastic day’s racing in blazing sunshine and 12-15 knots of warm breeze. The format at this event is unique, with each competitor being allocated a letter and then pairing up with another random letter for each race to form a team to sail against another similarly selected team.
It sounds complicated but the system works beautifully and makes for a really friendly event. Even if you haven’t team raced before your team mate will be holding up the opposition for you and shouting cheery words of advice – and you’d better not lose your sense of humour because the guys who beat you might be your team-mates later in the day
The two results sheets give a flavour of how close the outcome was (the first one is a competitor list, the second one is the results grid) Well done to Tom Mallindine and Peter Matthews who only lost 2 of their 10 races. Tom, one of the youngest ever winners of the Gore Trophy, can now add this quirky piece of industrial artistry to his trophy cabinet!