21st January 2022:
As announced in October The NFA put up the price of sails to £660.00 for a full set of racing sails with windows, delivered to your chosen address. As anticipated Hyde have had to put up their price by a further 3% due to further and continuing increases in raw materials. They have also belatedly had to act to cover their costs of the increase in shipping costs both by sea from Cebu and carriage on the UK mainland. As of today this means that the NFA are paying around £100 more than they did at the same time last year for a full set of sails.
Taking everything into consideration the NFA feel able to hold prices for the time being and at least until after the Nationals. Currently we have 10 sets of racing sails under construction which depending on availability of materials will be shipped on the April container and arrive in the UK in June. In the ideal world we would like committed customers and sail numbers for these sails. So if you want sails for the Nationals get your order to me ASAP. This applies to Schools, Clubs and Unis who may also be thinking of ordering sails through the NFA in the future.
If you have any questions please contact me. To see how to order sails from the NFA go to the Sails page on the website and scroll to the bottom for all you need to know!!!
Happy New Year.
Tony Thresher