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Happy New Year, here’s the 2023 Firefly Calendar

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  • News
  • 2 min read

With the New Year just in it’s great to have the Firefly Calendar ready to view. Ben Green, class chairman, wanted the class to see the Sailjuice series at the front end offering handicap racing for those wanting to sail in January and February. Note also the RYA Dinghy Show at the end of February, a great place to meet up with friends and see all that’s new in the sailing and racing world. Note we now have not one but two Open Meetings in Chichester Harbour, at Dell Quay and Itchenor SC.

After that the the season speeds along with Vines and M25 Traveller events spaced to encourage maximum attendance. These are great trophies to hunt down by attending their qualifying events – see the calendar.

The year’s highlights are the Nationals hosted by Felixstowe Ferry SC and then the Inland Champs at Rutland SC, note the dates!

Note also the impressive number of team race events, BUSA TR Champs, RYA TR National Champs and the famous Wilson Trophy, arguably the World Champs of team racing!

Whether it’s lake, reservoir, estuary or open sea the Firefly class are always welcoming and fun to race and socialise with, whatever your standard. So make that a new resolution in 2023, come to at least 3 events and see what fun and great events our clubs and members run!