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Boat Register




Dark Blue

Written Off

Fairey Marine

Build date
March 1967

Written Off

Hull Number

Deck Colour
Varnish Mark ll

Hull Colour
Varnish Mark ll

More Information

Extra Details

Additional Build Notes

Current Owner
Reported broken up, c1999 and perhaps now used as a garden shelter.

Known Owners

RYA initial measurement – 17 March
Hull weight – 160lb
Mould number – 4
1st owner: June 1967 David Prior-Palmer, Itchenor SC.
(See History Note below)

c 1968 John Hewitt, South Staffs SC

c 1970 Paul Dixon, Wembley SC, later Chipstead SC,
(NFA Chairman 1974/1977).

c 1995 Tony Meyrick, Chipstead SC.
(See F3999)

c1999 – thought to have been broken up


June 1967 Winner of NFA 21st Anniversary Event, hosted by Itchenor SC, from c100 competitors, David Prior – Palmer and, perhaps, Carol Le Couteur
Itchenor SC

1967 – Runner up Firefly Week Torquay, c170 entries,
David Prior-Palmer, Itchenor SC.
NFA records of competitors not complete, but crew probably
Miss Carol Le Couteur.

Before “Rage” was constructed, Prior-Palmer was a regular and successful competitor racing F754, “Thumper”

“Rage” was always a regular and successful competitor on the open meeting circuit. team racing, and championship weeks; frequent winner of club points racing at Chipstead SC.

When constructed for David Prior-Palmer, then editor of the Financial Times, Rage was a stunning example of the newly introduced Mark ll layout, matt black hull, varnished deck and interior, and all fittings polished chromed. Thought to have been finished with a then highly fashionable “graphite” type paint which produced a very smooth hull surface after burnishing, but tended to transfer the coal-dust colour to everything else it came into contact with, sails, clothing, hands etc!

At time of update (Feb 2013) Prior-Palmer racing with the International Dragon class, and 2014, XOD keelboats.

Residing Club

Do you have information about F3161 (Rage)?

If you are the owner, or a former owner of this boat and would like to provide more details or updated information, please contact our Boat Register Team.