Boat Register

Not Known
Fairey Marine
Build date
April 1950
Not Known
Hull Number
Deck Colour
When built Varnish Mark I
Hull Colour
When built Varnish
More Information
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Additional Build Notes
Current Owner
Present owner not known
Known Owners
Initial ownership records uncertain, but perhaps sold by Fairey Marine with F763.
c1961 – Gresham School, Holt, Barton Broad (See history notes)
c1966 – PT Howells, Rickmansworth SC.
Fireflies owned until c1990 by Greshams School, Holt, Norfolk and sailed on Barton Broad:
F 764 Fairine
F1265 Shark
F1632 Tony Warnes
F2028 Dik – Dik
F3029 Skipper
F3037 Grasshopper
F3045 Millie
F3119 Horror
F3120 Skinnie
F3214 Eredine
F3215 Tony Warnes II
F3335 Bismark
F3344 Hellespont
F3396 Olly – Olly
F3493 Nick o’ Time
Refer to these individual Fireflies for more information and their history..
Fireflies were sailed by Greshams School from the early 1950’s until the early 1990’s when the fleet was replaced with Laser II dinghies. There are various amusing stories connected with the School and its Fireflies, one suggests that it was necessary to switch from Cadet dinghies because the pupils had outgrown their Cadets, thriving and enjoying better and more school food! And funds, of course, were always short, but it seems for many years, the school desks were treated with yacht varnish and the school’s ground staff’s regular picnics on nearby Barton Broad seemed to coincide with moving the boats to and from from the winter storage back to the sailing club on Barton Broad
NFA 06/2020
Grateful thanks to past pupils, Mike Brown, F123 and Simon Vines, F1458.
A celebrated dinghy sailor, once a pupil at Greshams, Ian Proctor, builder of Firefly spars and creator of the Topper, Wayfarer and numerous other dinghy and small yacht designs
Residing Club
Not Given
Do you have information about F764 (Fairine)?
If you are the owner, or a former owner of this boat and would like to provide more details or updated information, please contact our Boat Register Team.